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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Writer's Top Useful Free Online Tools for Writers

Resources for Writers and Developers or Epistomophiles
  • Http:// Sigil : For novices and experts, with a WYSIWYG and code view to suit either experience level of development. Full of useful features such as table of contents generator, spell checker, and book browser. You can type from scratch, typing directly into the program or convert HTML files into books. It is complete with embedded audio and visual, if you like(for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android)

  • Http:// Evernote : Successful writing, whether screenplays,novels, essays, or papers, depends on research. If you are maintaining a lot of notes and ideas, you can store them on this. You can create an endless number of notebooks to store information about different projects you are working on. Keeps you very organized. You can grab text from the web and even collaborate with others by sharing your notes. It syncs to the cloud, so it can be accessed from any computer or device, either online or through the app for it.

  • Http:// FreeMind : free mind mapping software...
Story boarding is a great way to try out ideas and see where a particular thread of a project is going. Mind mapping is sort of an extension of this. There's a window for each bubble on the screen and just shape it to branch of sub-ideas off of topic bubbles kind of in a brainstorming, more organized fashion. Mind map to track what happens to individual characters, or map main points in an essay format so you can brainstorm the sub content.

  • Http://  Libre Office Writer: a word processor like Microsoft Office free of charge.

  • Scribus ---  find on if you are a software developer, etc. this tool is a web development compiled tooling set that you must program by hand and understand web development to use. It is an advanced tool with a learning curve so don't expect to pick up everything about it all at first. Create stunning newspaper or magazine layouts. Creates advanced documents suitable for professional printing or you can save projects as PDFs for electronic delivery.

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